

THE Adoptee Coach:

Life Coaching for

Adult Adoptees

Dear Adoptee, picture a world where you:

  • Feel a sense of belonging
  • Overcome fear of rejection
  • Find true self-confidence and trust
  • Recognize your inherent self-worth
  • Set healthy boundaries without guilt
  • Make decisions with ease

  • Stop people pleasing
  • Feel rooted in your own identity
  • Have healthy body image
  • Manage your time and money well
  • Have healthy relationships
  • Go after what you want in life!

How would your world change?

Why Quest

Why Life Coaching?

  • Maybe you’ve tried therapy and ​they just didn’t “get it” or not ​adoptee ​i​nformed.

  • Maybe you’ve done som​e healing but you still feel stuck ​o​r lost?

  • Maybe you have new and​ tough to navigate circ​umstances surrounding your adoptio​n/reunion​ ​journey?

  • Coaching is a powerful​ tool for growth and transf​o​rmation.

I help adoptees.

As your coach, my role isn't to "fix" you ​because you are not broken. Instead, I aim ​to assist you in uncovering things you ​may not see on your own. My goal is not to ​remove your pain, but to help you develop ​the ability to experience all emotions so ​that your happiness can flourish. If you ​choose to, you have the potential to grow ​and heal. You are worthy of it!

We cannot control everything in our outer world.

Planet Earth World Outline Icon

You can become the peacekeeper of your inner world.

Pink Hand Peace Sign

You can become the director of your thoughts, protector of your feelings, and leader of your actions.

Work ​with me

Let's kick things off with a friendly chat! ​We'll hop on Zoom and I’ll walk you ​through a simple “before and after” ​discussion and see if coaching is your ​cup of tea. I'm looking forward to our ​upcoming chat!

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